Friday, May 17, 2019

The Best Korean Teenage Skin Care Products And Routine

The best Korean teenage skin care products. In general, adolescent skin does a good job of exfoliation. It is therefore very likely that you do not need a manual exfoliant. If you see flakes, this is a sign that you need hydration, and not an exfoliant. It is easy to exaggerate the exfoliations, no matter how refreshing they are.

The best Korean products for skin care products for teenagers

If you really want to use one, make sure you don't do it more often than once a week, or more often twice a month. Again, I speak in terms of normal to mild acne skin; More complicated cases must consult a dermatologist.

Depending on whether your skin is oily or dry on the normal side, there is a cream or emulsion on the table. For oily skin, an emulsion is probably sufficient for sufficient hydration. There are also creams, gels that offer the best of both worlds and are particularly refreshing in the summer.

buy korean teenage skin care products
image from

The more time you spend in the sun (and the less you use sunscreen), the more the sun is damaged by your skin. This damage usually occurs when sunspots resemble slightly darker areas than the surrounding areas. Usually the cheeks are the most affected. Sunspots are most visible on Asian and Caucasian skin.

Read Also: 10 Step Korean Skin Care Routine, So It's Better

The products that break down the pigment in the skin cells work best for the treatment of this type of hyperpigmentation. If you are still in your teens or twenties, follow my advice: wear sunscreen daily. Or your skin will have visible sun damage like mine when it is 30 years old.

Here is another close-up of my damaged, sun-damaged cheeks! Hyperpigmentation can also be the result of any inflammatory process (everything that causes skin trauma, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis). As if acne was not traumatic enough, we often have scars that can take a long time to disappear.

In general, the remaining acne spots have a brown appearance and are more noticeable in medium dark to dark skin tones (because the skin has more melanocytes that produce active pigments).

I urge you to read this story about why a low pH cleaner is the only solution. Once you have read the importance of choosing a low pH cleaner, it's time to find the cleaner that suits you. It is important to keep in mind that a "clean" face is not the goal here. This cry is dry and indicates bare skin.

Keeping our moisture is always the goal. Your skin must be soft and moist after cleansing, never dry and oily, and a low pH cleanser will help you with that. Teenage mothers will remember that the toners usually had a high alcohol percentage of their time, a burning sensation that was used in the hope of removing excess oil.

This is not only what you are looking for here, it is also very harmful to the skin of teenagers. Absorb excess oil, that's good, but you want to prevent burns and tingling. Tingling is not the same as working; It is equal to the irritation.

For teenager

Korean cosmetics pay particular attention to skin care, a significant benefit for skin-conscious teenagers. In addition, age-appropriate Korean makeup is also available in kits for all skin types. However, if you have difficulty choosing between different pastel-colored packaging, here are 4 things you can offer your teenager.

The "BB" in BB cream means "balm" or "beauty balm". This popular product is a skin care / beauty hybrid that offers many benefits for the skin and a wide range of applications. Your teenager can use it to hydrate his skin or as a sunscreen when he goes to the beach.

In addition, if your teen is just starting to apply makeup, you can use a BB cream as a light base. The creamy texture facilitates application on the face and also comes in various sizes. An example of this is the Precious Mineral BB cream from the Etude House.

Read Also: The Best Natural Products Of Korean Skin Care Brands Ranking 2019

Prevent cancer and aging by dedicating yourself to a lifelong sunscreen. Korean sunscreens are unbelievable because many of them do not feel typical western sunscreens and their formulas are stylish and comfortable to wear. Buy several to find the one you prefer. It doesn't matter how great it is if you don't wear it.

Double cleaning is a necessity because it is the only thing that can properly remove makeup and sunscreens. With double cleaning, first an oil-based cleaning agent is used and then followed by a normal foaming cleaner. Epidemics still keep teens' skin busy and the correct removal of sunscreen and makeup greatly contributes to prevention.

Remember that you only need a double tidy up after using sunscreen or makeup. You don't always have to do it: in the morning, just wash your face with your usual cleanser. Now in foaming detergents.

Finding out which gifts a teenager can give can be stressful. Adolescence is the transition period in which a girl becomes a girl and gives her daughter or niece something suitable for her age and strengthens her journey to self-discovery.

However, don't just go to a makeup store and buy products that you think you look like a woman. Beauty products designed for adult women should not be used on the skin of a girl. The skin of a teenager is still very delicate, so it is important to let her use products that will not let her dry or irritate her.

To maintain its youthful glow, you need to look for beauty elements that match your skin type. Teenagers are well aware of trends and styles, so you should also consider what is before you buy your gift.

If you are not aware of teenage trends, visit one of the largest contributors to the beauty industry. Beauty products from South Korea debuted on the Western market in 2011, but the Korean beauty industry has not watched since.

With K-beauty storming the world, this recent phenomenon of Korean beauty, which emphasizes a healthy approach to beautification, has significantly increased the goals of beauty skin care with a vision of the future. This led to a situation in which nine out of ten teenagers in South Korea were made up. Another recent report on the cosmetics market in South Korea shows that the market value of teenagers and their first 20 years is worth hundreds of billions of South Korean Won.

Another promising up-to-date trend among teenagers is the large number of versatile products that offer fast solutions, reducing the amount of products needed. Today's teenagers are futuristic, intelligent and knowledgeable, and their interactions have largely taken place through blogs, beacons and social networks, creating new opportunities for sellers.

Cross-border e-commerce websites are gaining popularity among teenagers in South Korea because they offer a variety of products at affordable prices. Many brands have used all of these teenage habits and have taken interactive measures to communicate with them through online advertising and online marketing.

Read Also: Korean Skin Care Brands Influenced By K-Pop

From a business point of view, the sale of cosmetics on both sides of the border is one of the safest and most dynamic segments of the country. But what makes it so lucrative? Cosmetics have a relatively low risk, are cheaper to ship and their prices vary per region.

The routine

Your skin has a rebound, a shine and a rejuvenating skill similar to that of Wolverine. He also sees the first signs of bumps, pimples and fat. So, what to use (and what to avoid) and how to start? Here our guide about the first skin care routine of a teenager. When it comes to skin care as a teenager, it's a roller coaster.

In a sense, things are less complicated. Because young skin has an unmistakable tailbone and fat that all veteran’s desire, you don't have to worry about endless infusions and whey cocktails that naturally pursue for teenagers.

There are, however, other fights that you as a beginner face when it comes to skin care. Adults usually have a fairly clear idea that the ingredients work well with our skin, which are just yoh, and small diabolical demons that make it scream.

As a teenager you don't have years of experience. Everything is new and so everything is a potential enemy. The positive is that everything is also a potential ally.

Korean culture, food and, of course, the beauty secrets (homemade or manufactured) were not extraordinary in the 90s. So I rejected the skills of the alchemist and knowledge of my mother's skin as strange and inferior. . But when my teenage acne went to a higher level, I was discouraged enough to think: what is this mess? Give me what stinks of K-beauty. And what do you know?

The diet worked. I fell in love with their recommendations because they cleared my skin (they suck me, hug me), but I also loved what they made me feel. The ritual, which takes place twice a day, was refined and incredibly encouraging for trust and, if I am sincere, as a rite of passage, both to master good skin care governance and to appreciate my cultural roots. .

The ancient wisdom of the beauty of my ancestors was given to me and I became addicted. Fast forward for almost two decades and the rest of the world has also achieved the ultimate love for K-beauty. I'm glad I'm the number one cheerleader.

Leave masks in the newspaper? But there is one important thing that I have to deal with: the idea that it is "necessary" to follow an excessive routine of more than 12 steps to see the results. In fact, it can be useful to rationalize your diet, K beauty or others.

Recently, Korean beauty, or K beauty, has stormed the United States. From beauty gurus from YouTube to their best friend, Korean beauty products are on the recommended lists. This trend is no surprise, as K-pop and K dramas are becoming increasingly popular.

You can see K-beauty on your timeline, from suggested routines to a perfect face to the latest popular products on your shelves. Stores in the US, They have full sections for skin care in Korea, even in pharmacies.

But if you are like me, someone who has been talking about Korean pop culture for most of my teens, you want to go to the source. Last summer I went to Seoul and here are some tips to buy K products in Seoul. Major brands that can afford to expand their business in the US, These are often the same companies that you will find in an airport terminal.

It is also easier to identify the things that you like. For example, I love camellia oil and all its branches. I am therefore actively looking for products that contain this ingredient. There are little things that teenagers can get used to and that is of great help in preventing acne and keeping the skin in excellent condition. Something as simple as changing your pillowcase once a week can help prevent outbreaks.

Read Also: Korean Skin Care Before And After With Routine For Acne

Cleaning the screen of your phone is another matter. Think of all the fingerprints and traces of grease that accumulate on the surface of a telephone. This is transferred to the fingers, which end up in the face all day. This is especially uncomfortable if you use it for a phone call while squeezing all that oil and germs on the side of your face.

So keep your hands and phone clean and keep them away from your face as much as possible. Finally, make it a habit to always do your skin care routine, even when you are exhausted. The sooner you start, the happier your skin will be, the easier it will be to become second nature.