Monday, November 18, 2013

3 Tips for Healthy Skin are Simple

Tips for healthy skin

Let's face it, I never gave much thought to reading all some advice for healthy skin, because I was one of those young people who like to spend a lot of time in the Sun. I've been to the beach in summer and ski resort in the winter with no concern for the health of my skin.

tips for healthy skin

Tip 1-Diet for healthy skin

Stay away from the food court. Quick, fried foods are simply not good for your skin, the size-line and the health ... It also means processed food. Stick to consume foods from all food groups, you know-fruits and vegetables, proteins, cereals and milk because you want all the essential nutrients to help keep the skin smooth, supple and elastic.

Tip 2-Exercise for healthy skin

It is important to remember that exercise helps to keep the skin clean by flushing toxins (in the form of sweat).

Tip 3-Natural skin for a healthy skin care ingredients

The last and most important advice for healthy skin is the use of natural skin care ingredients. Take the time to investigate and invest in products with ingredients that are clinically tested and proven to be healthy for your skin. Why?

Because, nowadays, there are far too many synthetic chemicals in skin care products are in poor health. Just read the label, ingredients such as Parabens, dioxane and mineral oils chemicals that not the best ingredients in your products are. Dioxane is a chemical substance is known to irritate the eyes and respiratory system. And mineral oil is a byproduct of oil production that the skin, leaving your skin to eliminate toxins is choking.

The best advice I can give you my advice for healthy skin is looking for and look for ingredients such as Cynergy TK, a naturally derived ingredient clinically and scientifically proven, Cynergy TK stimulates the regrowth of collagen and elastin (the two essential proteins) in your skin that maintains the elasticity and retains moisture.

Now it's time to start putting these three tips for healthy skin that are easy to practice and enjoy your healthy lifestyle. With a healthy diet, moderate daily physical activity and the use of high-quality skin care are you on your way to regain your healthy skin.